
Visited Temecula on Tuesday, 05May09.   Good decision.  Lots of antiques.  Brought back a lot of good and happy childhood memories. Remembered Lola and Lolo in the process  (mother’s side, of course!  Is there another?)  Ate at the #1 hamburger place in California.   I have one or two every now and then, but their claim is justifiably right.

Bought a tin plate that said “Things happen for a reason....Just Believe“.  Very apropos.

The weather was perfect with a cool breeze…you could almost touch the mountains…it was your backyard!

Walked into the Olive Oil Company.  A variety of locally produced olive oils…I then drifted towards the olive oil soaps – yes, soaps.  I got one, and I love the feel.   A little steep ($5.50) for a tiny square of soap, but it delivers.  Took the basil olive oil and the balsamic vinegar home.

Happy Mother’s Day!  Both my sons called me on this day.  The younger one called first.  I asked for my gift.  He said he had to pay his bills.  You see, he just got employed.  I am happy about that except his education is on hold right now.  But that’s all right.  The older one called close to lunch time.  I told him about the conversation I had with his brother.  I told him I wanted an iPod – the new skinny one.  He said that’s fine, but it does not have a screen.   He said the Nano might be a better choice.  Then he asked what color, and I said “red” – (is there any other color?)  That, plus something to replace what I purchased in 2004…I’ll call it “the thing” – I told him I don’t need that right now.  I’ll let you know when I get it.


I abhor people who lie.  Are they born liars – are their genes inherited?  Better yet, what kind of childhood did they have?

Me?  I had the best childhood ever!  Wouldn’t mind reliving it day to day to day to day…..

18 Feb 09

Clearing out boxes – one at a time – is both exhausting and exhilarating.  Exhausting because it actually is.  Exhilarating because you crossed one box off THAT list!  It is difficult to go through “a box.”  They are either memories or monsters.

First time I saw a movie where I did not have to make a trillion trips to the restroom.  I saw quite a bit of me in this movie (New In Town).  Very interesting.  But what’s more interesting is the fact that there was no one who will dictate what to view, where to view and where and what to eat thereafter is pretty amazing.  I feel I can freely breathe again….just like when I was a kid.  No kidding!

Just awesome awesome….

Lady of Lourdes – my feast day.   Caught the 11am mass for the Academy.

I did not know whether to take I-15 then hop on to I-805 and exit University Avenue or take I-5 all the way to Pershing Drive.  I decided to take I-5.  I remembered rushing to drop off Michael (PJ first, of course) and head off to work towards Sports Arena.  This time, it was different.  I took my time – lots of it – taking in the sights – the golf course on my right just before making that right turn.

The “Laundramat” was still in the same spot…only this time, the entire Nutmeg St. is clear and clean.  The little houses had been painted; the front yards are clean….maybe it is “just the two of them” – no more kids.  Which means that “the two of them” have more time to really take care of things.  Which is nice.

I missed my turn into Saints.  I did not recognize it.  It is different now than the one I knew.  I submitted the request for grades for Mike.  The little old lady at Saints who served as the secretary/gopher/retriever/you-name-it is now retired.

Departing Saints was difficult.  I took my time leaving Saints as I did in “finding” it.  The view this time was different.  I took in the sights.  It was not the same drive I took so many times so many years ago.  Freeze-framing that image and that specific time as I drove away –

Tired and happy.  A lot accomplished today – mall walk, aerobic exercise, green tea chai with apple tart or is it the other way around?   Purchased pots, planters, repotted purple plants I took back with me in 2004 (?) from AU (ooops!), early dinner, purchased new Bible and sanctuary candles.   Then home.   Check, check, check, check.  Interesting….the check marks.  24Jan09

I’ve been missing the Arby’s that was located on Highland Avenue sooooo many moons ago.  So I decided to go all the way to a new shopping mall just to have Arby’s roast beef sandwiches – thinly sliced with the horsey and Arby’s sauce…only to find a familiar face – JJ, the son of my sons’s doctor when they were growing up.  FYI, the other Arby’s is in Midway.  Walked the Reston-style mall – found some familiar stores open; a few permanently closed due to the flailing economy.   After stop-and-go walking for about an hour, we were off to Barnes and Noble – water for Joan and Italian soda for me plus a 3/4-inch brownie to share at their Starbucks.   Soon it was 5 pm, dark, and cold.    We rushed out to her house where I had parked my car, and home I went to meet a happy and excited Pylon.

Have not contacted my friends.  They were worried I was quiet for more than a few days.  Today, one of them called and woke me up.   They asked how I was doing and what I was doing and why I had not called them.  I replied I did not want to impose on any of them and that all of them had jobs to keep them more than busy, but  I thank God I answered that call.

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